Planners Advocacy Network

APA's Network of engaged planning advocates is working to shape federal and state policy outcomes.

Join the Network

Membership in the Planners' Advocacy Network is free to APA members.

What's in It for You

  • Influence federal and state policy outcomes
  • Receive regular policy updates coming out of Washington and state capitals
  • Access to leaders in Congress & White House
  • Tailored advocacy training to advance planners' agenda 

Join Today

Click the button, then check "Yes, include me in the Planners' Advocacy Network."

Advocate's Toolbox

Making an impact through advocacy can be daunting. As APA members, you have special access to this suite of tools needed to make a lasting impression on Capitol Hill, in state capitals, and beyond.

Emailing Elected Officials

Use this guide to send emails that convey a clear and timely message to elected officials.

Scheduling a Visit

Use this step-by-step guide to schedule a meeting with your elected officials in Washington or in the district office.

Planning a Site Visit

Use this check list to plan a site visit or tour for your elected officials.

Sample Scheduling Request

Use this template to request an in-person meeting with your elected official.

Sample Thank You Note

Use this template to write your own personalized thank yous to your elected officials.