Mentoring Program
2023-2024 Mentorship Program
The APA Nebraska Chapter is committed to supporting the profession and practice of planning in Nebraska through professional development and the creation of a robust social network. Among these initiatives is the Mentorship Program, a program led by the Nebraska Chapter's Emerging Planners Group.
- What: A program to connect established planners with those emerging into the profession.
- Why Mentor: It is our responsibility to raise this new generation of planners, and to support an ongoing legacy of sound professional planning in Nebraska.
- Why Seek a Mentor: Get feedback on your future career, network and create contacts, learn about new career paths, learn from your mentors success/mistakes, get help making decisions
- Commitment: We don’t ask for much - just a monthly interaction (as time allows) and attendance at beginning and end-of-the-year events. Each month we will encourage you to do something different. For example, one month maybe you have a job shadow day, and the next might be a tour of a new development. Mentor/Mentee pairs can have phone or video calls, or meet in person depending on geography, desire, and availability. Here are some activity ideas from past mentor/mentee matches: lunch meeting, coffee break, site visit or job shadow, golf outing, professional development workshop, EPG social event, volunteering, etc.
If you are interested, please fill out the form below. The Nebraska APA Mentorship Committee will create matches based on professional interests, and facilitate the introductions by the end of September 2023.
- Sign Up Here: